We believe children learn best through play and interaction with others. Instead of having a set curriculum, we focus on individual milestones. Learning and child development are inspired by different themes throughout the year.
About The Room
In the two-year-old classroom, the teachers work on sharing, listening, and more complex communication in addition to sign language. Everything is child-sized to help foster independence—a functional environment that helps two-year olds learn to explore and be responsible for themselves and others in the classroom community.
- Hazard free rooms designed to promote a healthy and safe environment for the children to learn and grow in or play in
- Bright pictures and toys to encourage stimulation and development
- Learning through close interaction between child and teacher
- Children excel to their potential through the foundation of love and trust

Every child is unique. We believe in helping the individual shine in their own way.
Daily Routine
- Playing and sharing with friends
- Circle time where we learn letter recognition, counting, colors, shapes, weather, nursery rhymes, and reading books
- Outside playground time
- Teachers will do their best to incorporate traditions and routines at home into their schedule at the preschool
- Teachers will update parents on when their two year old eats, sleeps and plays
What To Bring On The First Day
- Sleeping bag/mat for napping
- Diapers
- Diaper cream – if needed
- Potty Training Items
- Multiple changes of clothing
- Water bottle
- Shoes for outdoor play
- Winter-weather clothing
- Summer swimsuit/swim diapers
- Sunscreen
- Bug spray
- Art smock/large t-shirt